My First Article On Medium
Why did I choose to write on Medium? Short answer it’s Fun and Entertaining. Ask your self; Why not write on a site where you actually get to write for free and if you are lucky enough you might actually get paid for your skills. Well it didn’t take me long enough to make up my mind.
First of, I am who ever I want to be, so i have no limitations ideologically. The paper is my canvas and i don’t try too hard. I let the ideas come in effortlessly. If you think i am not a good enough writer, i am cool with it. I am not at everything i try doing(basically), so i had to try some new experiences and drop others.
I an trying this new journey on a path of self discovery and experiments. I will write on what interest me or what ever idea comes to mind. I do not want to limit my self to category. Ideas are free and without boundaries. I will write about my personal experiences as well as fiction and fantasy as well as educative material.
Okay people we are done with the boring part. I am open to criticism as well as receiving praise where it is deserved. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's’ and give to me what is mine.”
So for any one I mean any one having a passion for writing or just having some free time, can basically jump on Medium and knock they selves out. Expect to hear from me daily and regularly. If you love what you read feel free to subscribe if not, as i said earlier point out my flaws.
Very Respectfully