Shades of dark (A Poem to Us)
I will still be here looking up to the dark, and not to the stars, for a soul like mine longs for solitude with no remorse, and no spars Iam not trying to achieve the impossible with a Goldmark, but rather do thy will on a new course.
Never looking back was once a virtue for the brave, standing tall and strong like heroes of the old days
Statues built and monuments elevated in their honor.
With nothing to fear they marched in battle and conquered the weak and faint hearted.
When they returned home from battle, they were met with joy, merry and offerings.
While the fallen laid dead with vultures marauding over the carrions.
This isn’t a proper sight to befall the weak for it separates the boys from the men
But still at the end of the day
I will still be here looking up to the dark, and not to the stars, for a soul like mine longs for solitude with no remorse, and no spars Iam not trying to achieve the impossible with a Goldmark, but rather do thy will on a new course.
This isn’t a tale chiseled by the ferries and their nonsense wellbeing
But rather a test of will and gut for when reality befalls us, we are left standing with no regret
Like men who have accepted their destinies and whatever happens from hence forth.
So, still I rise like a phoenix from its ashes, conquering good over evil, stepping up to the task whenever it presents itself.
Complex must not mean complicated all the time but rather an opportunity to learn from the situation. So, by the end of the day,
I will still be here looking up to the dark, and not to the stars, for a soul like mine longs for solitude with no remorse, and no spars Iam not trying to achieve the impossible with a Goldmark, but rather do thy will on a new course.
Like walking on thin ice, fingers crossed the ice break. It takes a man to do a boy’s job and more.
Never letting go of dreams.
A grim future is always one mistake away from happening so caution is the subject matter.
And in the words of the great Naomi S.
“Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to gaze at bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.”